Quick show/hide user waypoints/pins

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  • #4042
    • Topics: 15
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    Can’t find this request. I now have quite a large list of waypoints and pins. And find my maps look cluttered if I want to see a small scale view. So what about squeezing in another botton to show/hide pins. If this is easy to achieve I think it would make a very useful feature (maybe into 1.5, just hoping).

    • Topics: 32
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    Thanks for the feedback! We have noticed the same, and think its a good idea. We’ll see what we can do!  🙂

    • Topics: 15
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    Great. Keep up the good work

    • Topics: 63
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    Show/Hide by categories, too, please! Wow!

    • Topics: 32
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    PocketEarth v1.5 will include a Settings > Map Layer option to hide all Pins and Fav POIs. v1.5 is now finalized and we are hoping to submit this update to Apple by friday for release by end of next week.

    In a coming update we will try to add the option to hide Pin/POI by categories and by user defined groups. We would also like to add pin clustering, so that multiple overlapping pins will display on the map as a single icon and not obscure as much of map.
    Thanks for the feedback!
    • Topics: 2
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    Have imported some GPX files, where some contain over 400 pins (not tracks, just POI), the map looks a little cluttered. The way I hide these now is by deleting the entire category, and re-importing when needed. It is a manageable way, but I would request you to evaluate the possibility of hiding the category/pin from the favorites menu.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    Dear Vic,

    Thank you, thank you! I’m soon, when I do a major CSV Import for France, going to be working towards having upwards of 10,000 Pins worldwide, but most of them in western Europe. (I’m crazy!)

    The developers keep talking about Pin Clustering, which I assume is a major pain to implement. I don’t need or want clustering, I just want to be able to manipulate Groups of Pins individually. Same as in the Map Layers for POIs!

    • Topics: 15
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    Hi, I havn’t visited here for a while but am a daily user of PocketEarth and wonder if this feature is still being considered. For me it is still the most sought after as it would allow seeing a map with just the POI’s of interest at the time of viewing.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    Dear Ozgeo,

    In PE version 1.6.4, top-level Categories of POIs can be shown/hidden in the Settings menu. Lower level discrimination awaits further development, but we’re confident it will be forthcoming!

    In the mean time, look into managing POIs through the Settings (gears icon) > Map Layers > POIs list!

    • Topics: 15
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    Thanks BuckyE. I see ver 2.0 is imenent , so hopeful that show/hide user defined groups will be a feature.

    • Topics: 63
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    Dear Ozgeo,

    Sorry to have been away so long!

    In the current iteration of PE, you can go to Favorites (star icon on the map), and tap the “My Groups” icon on the bottom right of the drop down window. Tap & hold any item in the My Groups list, and a pop-up menu will appear at the bottom of the window. Tapping “View on Map” will Show all the Pins & POIs that have been added to that Group and the map will zoom to a view that shows them all, and the Info Window will appear, telling you what Group you are Showing.

    For better or worse, as it stands, all other Pins/POIs will be hidden. But, if the Info Window is closed by tapping the “X” icon, the Map will stay at the same zoom, and all other Pins&POIs will appear.

    It may not be ideal, but it’s useful!

    • Topics: 15
    • Replies: 52

    Thanks again BuckyE. Tried that, its perfect! Must have missed the info when that feature was included. Just a great app.

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