How to transfer tiles between 2 ios devices ?

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    I am from France and I just purchased Pocket Earth for my Iphone5.

    Great app!  I really enjoy it. It’s much better than CityMaps2Go.
    It’s pretty cool to download a whole country in one time.

    I’d like to transfer all the maps I have downloaded on my Iphone, to my iPad.
    I use iFunBox tu download some data from my iPhone ( apps directories) to my laptop
    ( i.e it’s possible to download CityMap2Go maps from the iPhone to the computer, and to upload these maps from the laptop to the iPad.)
    No need to download all the maps with CityMaps2go installed one more time from the ipad)

    I guess it’s possible to do the same with Pocket Earth.
    With ifunbox, I don’t find the tiles… so I don’t know what I should download in PocketErath directory shown in ifunbox ?…
    Need some help
    • Topics: 32
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    Disclaimer:  Currently, we do not support the transfer of maps from one device to another in any way, officially or unofficially.  If you would like to try using iFunBox, you do so at your own risk!
    Okay that said, you can find all maps, guides, and other content in Library/Private Documents/Data.  If you want to transfer from one device to another you must copy the entire Data folder over and not try to copy only a portion of it!  Additionally, you must copy over the app’s settings file found at Library/Preferences/com.geomagik.pocketearth.plist 
    Note: All user data (everything in the Favorites lists) is located in Library/Private Documents/UDB. You’d be best off using the built-in ‘PocketEarth Archive’ export/import functionality to sync your devices.
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