Here at GeoMagik, we believe firmly that privacy is a right and we are happy to say that Pocket Earth is probably the most secure and privacy respecting mapping app on the App Store. We never collect nor transmit your GPS location, app usage statistics or any other information, personal or otherwise, except where it is necessary to provide you functionality and these cases as listed below are all optional and you can easily opt out:
- Favorites Sync: In order to provide the multi-device sync feature, your Pins, Fav POI, Routes, Tracks, and Groups are securely transmitted and stored on our server. The first time you run our app, you will be asked if you want to enable this feature and you can always enable or disable it later in the settings menu.
- Routes: Routing functionality is provided using third party online routing services. Only the coordinates of each route point is transmitted to their server and nothing else.
- Street address search and pin reverse geocoding: These features rely on Apple provided functionality and is dependent on their privacy policy.
Pocket Earth also accesses the contents of your clipboard when opening or switcing to the app. It does this solely in order to perform offline coordinate detection to allow you immediate viewing of the related map. Pocket Earth never records or transmits the contents of the clipboard outside of the app.