Export Recordings as GPX Tracks

Home All Topics Feature Requests Export Recordings as GPX Tracks

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    I have been using pocket earth to track the places I go for a few months now, and one thing that I want to be able to do is to see the tracks of all the places I’ve been at the same time as making a new track. I know this can be done with recordings, but if you export the tracks in gpx format all the recordings are in the one track. I use Google Earth also to look at this information, and I’d like to be able to select individual tracks (which would be the recordings in PE) in Google Earth separately. If you could export the recordings as separate tracks in a GPX file (preferably as a bulk operation), that would allow both ways of working.

    Also, it would be nice in general if you could display more than one item (track, route, group, etc.) on the screen at a time (I think there was an earlier post about that), because right now you can’t use the tracking and routing features simultaneously at all, at least that I’ve figured out. If any of these things are possible now, let me know how, otherwise they would be nice to have at some point.


    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    This has been requested a few times, but we haven’t been able to add it in yet. At some point we will, but I can’t say when exactly as we have a lot of high priority improvements we are working on.

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    Currently, you can add multiple tracks/routes/pins to groups and display the whole group onscreen at one time, but selecting an individual route or track in it for use will hide the others to avoid confusion since they can be overlapping, etc.

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