New user cant get initial downloads

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  • #7823
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    I have just purchased pocket earth pro for my ipad. Downloaded it initially on my computer and then syn’d it to my ipad which is running iOS8. When starting on the ipad it initially wants to download 7mb of data and starts the download automatically. It gets near the end of 2of 3 items and then tells me the download failed, “try again”. problem is the same thing happens each time. I uninstalled the app from the ipad and reinstalled it but the problem persists, what do I do???? Thanks for any help.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 1

    Since my initial post I have uninstalled the app from my ipad again and rebooted my ipad and then reloaded the app directly to the ipad not via the computer but the sam problem persists.

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