Additional languages for Wikipedia?

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  • #4148
    • Topics: 66
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    Is there a particular reason for the restriction in languages for Wikipedia-entries to english, german, french, spanish? The interface must be the same for every language, no?

    If possibile, it would be great having additional languages. I will soon make a trip to Italy, so I’m mainly interested in Italien for now, but I’m convinced there will soon somebody come with Suhaeli …. (If possible, I would suggest a two level language menu – main languages and other … on the first level, and if you click “Other…” then all avaible Wikipedia-Langugages will be offered.)

    Thanks, Gilbert

    P.S.: Very much enjoying the new data. All my edits are here now. Great!!!

    • Topics: 32
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    There are some technical difficulties in offering more languages, basically each language has 1 to 5 different ways to encode the article locations and we have to specially build parsers for each of them.  Our next app update, however, will include wikipedia in all 7 languages that our app currently supports (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Russian).  We can probably add Italian as well, but the update probably won’t be ready until the beginning of October.

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