After upgrade to 2.0 all maps lost – to annoying to accept ?!

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  • #4305
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    As I found out and learned from upgrade experience and from this forum all map data will have to be re-downloaded . This is more than annoying it is an outright disaster for me. I live remote in Australia and have very poor download speeds. During a rescent trip to Sydney downloaded all of Australia  AND Europe for a coming trip. Set out many prospects routes etc. Now have to do that all over again. To me this is more than a oversight , it is  a completely ridiculous way of assuming the whole planet is on fast internet speeds : not so. PLEASE do something about this , I have never heard about upgrading software would result in dataloss , absolutely crazy ,!! For now I had to revert back to the old version of Pocket Earth. 

    Further the Pocket Earth has stolen my heart, it just works , so you can imagine my frustration !!
    Cheers ; jacob 
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