Can't import CSV File

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    i need some help to import a csv file. i’ve read allready two topics
    about this but i can’t get it work.

    my csv file looks like this (first two lines):
    “115.1641598016452”,”-8.699799751626786″,”Hotel Jayacarta, Legian”,””

    what is wrong with that format? i allway get an error message 🙁

    thx and regards

    • Topics: 66
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    I worked for me once, some time ago.
    Currently, I’m having the same issue. Maybe the format changed?

    => what we will have to do: export to .csv file some markers, and make sure the file we want to import respects the same conventions (well, I already did, and could not yet find an error, but I will do it more carefully. If I don’t find, well, …. then I might ask if it’s a new bug?)

    so, let’s go to work …


    • Topics: 63
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    Dear nounours,

    “make sure the file we want to import respects the same conventions”

    A CSV is just a text file with any kind of structure it’s author wanted to define for it. (Basically, a row-and-column database/spreadsheet file with columns defined as any kind of information the author wanted to tag.) How the heck is PE supposed to know what a “CSV” file is trying to tell it?

    • Topics: 63
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    I’m sorry. I went back to a thread ( http://pocketearth.com/forums/topic/importing-csvs-broken-for-me/ ) and see what’s going on. What version PE are we discussing? I will test.

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    hi buckye,

    thx for your reply …

    I’m using PE Pro 2.3


    • Topics: 63
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    First off, Dear Thorsten, Please try to eliminate all double quotes in your file, except…in places where you want to have carriage returns or other formatting instructions respected within a given “field”/cell/category.


    “115.1641598016452″,”-8.699799751626786″,”Hotel Jayacarta, Legian”,””

    perhaps should be:


    115.1641598016452,-8.699799751626786,Hotel Jayacarta, Legian

    I will do some testing.

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    no, doesn’t work without any quotes and doesn’t work with single quotes 🙁

    • Topics: 63
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    OK, I just did a copy and paste from an Export of my current Pins. I copied the first Pin, made a new text file from it, relabeled the new text file “test_csv.csv,” amd Imported it into PE Pro v2.3. Worked perfectly.

    The text in my file was, exactly:


    XX.XXXXX°N XX.XXXXX°E,”Friends, The”,,marker-pin-camera,0000FF,”StreetAddress

    46700 Town


    (n the above, I have substituted gobbeldygook for the actual info I used in my test, to protect privacy.) Note that I used double-quotes only where necessary to preserve formatting when importing. Note also that I used the Location Attribute just because that’s the way PE exported it from my current Pins information. (See link above for details on lat/long formatting and other stuff.) Note also that there are double commas in my test file, representing places where I left out information.

    This stuff has to be stupidly literal and exact if it’s going to work: take it from me, a former small-time database developer!

    I hope these notes help.

    • Topics: 1
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    thx for the hint…

    but this way i have to convert all pins from lat/long to DD … or is there a way to export dd from google earth?

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    once again me:

    now I’m getting it work… google earth exports first Long than Lat… so i just changed the header line to
    “115.1641598016452”,”-8.699799751626786″,”Hotel Jayacarta, Legian”,””

    and now the import works without problem and with using the double quotes…

    thx for your help …

    • Topics: 66
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    Thorsten: good to hear that it works …

    BuckyE, thanks for your help.
    Yes, the import file has to respect to conventions of PE, ifnot, it will not understand.

    I’m sorry, I’m travelling, and don’t have my files with me … I will update if I’m back …


    • Topics: 66
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    Thorsten: good to hear that it works …

    BuckyE, thanks for your help.
    Yes, the import file has to respect to conventions of PE, ifnot, it will not understand.

    I’m sorry, I’m travelling, and don’t have my files with me … I will update if I’m back …


    • Topics: 63
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    OK, good! I’m surprised PE is reading past the quotes, but there ya go! PE is great!

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