Different colour for different segment of a Route

Home All Topics Feature Requests Different colour for different segment of a Route

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  • #4113
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 2

    It can get confusing when looking at a Route with differnt destination points, especially back tracking is involved in the entire Route.
    For example, A to B to C Route may involve some back tracking when going from B to C. I like to study the Route carefully instead of relying on the driving direction (since it does not have early Voice warning) to anticipate change in direction. It gets confusing when all routes are in green and overlapping where there is back tracking.
    Now, the only way to circumvent it, is to create two Routes A to B and B to C. This increases the number of entries and listings in My routes, not streamline enough.

    It would be great if we can choose the colour of the Route and for different segments of the Route. I.e. Green from A to B and Red from B to C when more than 2 destinations points are involved.

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    Currently the selected part of the route is shown in green, the rest in blue. So if the whole route is selected its all in green, but if one segment is selected, only it is shown in green. This should help some for distinguishing one segment of route from another when they cross over each other.

    We’ll consider adding user definable segment colors for a coming update. We have had other requests for this. 
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