Display Multiple Saved Tracks

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  • #7484
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    Using PE on a 4 month journey, we recorded our track each day and as backup emailed the GPX files home. It would be a nice feature to be able to select multiple saved tracks to view rather than only being able to select individual files to view.

    • Topics: 88
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    I totally agree. Also when going on a long distance cycling trip I often use imported GPX files which I created or from someone else (wikiloc, routeyou, bikemap, ridewithgps, etc). When I have alternative tracks it is nice to be able to see them at the same time.

    I solution could be to add the tracks/routes to a Group and tap the View button. This already works for pins and poi’s.

    To be able to show multiple tracks with PE I merge them with MyGPSFile.com or GPSVisualizer.com on my laptop. This works fine when preparing a trip, but is not an option when on the road.

    • Topics: 63
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    Yes, please. I have created several Tracks that are historical information: for example, the route of the Via Domitia and the route of a putative Via Heraklea. I’d like to see them both at once, as if they were Pins or POIs.

    Thanks for considering this.

    Bucky Edgett

    • Topics: 63
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    Wait a minute! In the new PE Pro, this works. Kind of. I have my two Tracks in a Group, and if I use the View button for the Group, both Tracks show. The problem is that doing this hides my Pins. POIs still show if, of course, zoomed in enough.

    Good start!

    Bucky Edgett

    • Topics: 88
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    Currently testing this with PE 2.3b9. As @BuckyE mentioned the favorite pins/POIs are hidden, but they are still selectable when zoomed out. I noticed this when trying to select a segment of a route at a lower zoom level. Instead of selecting the segment a (hidden) POI got selected (it was not visible at the given zoom level).

    I agree with BuckyE that it would be nice to still show all the favorite Pins/POIs. But on the other hand you don’t know which ones are part of the group… A solution could be to highlight the POINs (POI + piN) that are part of the selected Group to distinguish them from the other POINs.

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