Empty icons

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    Several days ago, I switched the map style from Pocket Earth to Opens Street Map since that has more useful icons for me. Now, I have noticed that some POIs I had made have lost their icons. What is very strange is that an icon shows in the title and that all of the examples are for places that describe themselves as “terrace” (considering they are all in Bavaria, this probably means a garden). Other places, however, show the Open Street Map icons without a problem. Is there any way to get the icons back or use the Open Street Map icons? (I can upload one file, but the “Add another file” link does not work. It worked earlier though.)

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    It works now.

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    These are beer gardens. Usually if this happens its because there is no standard OSM icon for them. But seems like there should be one for beer gardens, I will look for it and add. If you find others like this that have OSM icons (e.g. shown on the OSM website map), let me know and I will add them also.

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    As the “title” show (at the top of the screen grab), there should be an icon – a bierkrug (I think it’s called a mug in English). If you look here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/49.79975/11.03612 you will see the icon, which on my iPhone is also empty.

    It seems there are two similar icons of Open Street Map: the bierkrug, which is missing on my iPhone, and a simple drinking glass, which I hope you can see here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/49.88272/10.91568 and which is not missing on my iPhone.

    When I asked about the icons in another thread, I hoped that these icons could be added to the ones already on Pocket Earth. That is, if I make my own POI, I could use that icon. Of the icons that are used now, I only find one or two useful. I don’t, for example, understand why there is both a flag and a star since they both seem to mean the same thing.

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    Yep I had already found and added it (they come from the open SJJB icon set). Easy to do if I know its missing and it exists in OSM (well usually, sometimes its not high enough resolution and I need to give my graphics designs a few weeks to replicate it). If you find others let me know. I will update the stylesheet along with v2.3 in the next 10 days.

    We are planning to allow users to add POI in a coming update and you will have the full choice of POI icons for this. At that point, for adding Pins, we will change the available Pin icons to simpler designs, like geometric shapes appropriate for Waypoints as to not overlap with POI icons.

    • Topics: 23
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    Many thanks for the quick response and resolution! Do I need to wait for a new update to Pocket Earth or will the icons soon show on my iPhone?

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