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June 5, 2014 at 2:20 am #4338
Since the last update (June 1st), I can’t get new routes. the saved ones are fine, but any request results in the above error. I already restarted the App, the iPad. Any suggestions?
June 5, 2014 at 3:55 am #5653Yes, sorry about this! This issue will be corrected in our next update (in a few days). What happened is that we switched to a *much* better routing provider, but in doing so, we introduced a bug where is causes this issue for certain regional settings.
As a workaround until our next update, you can open the Settings app and go to General > International > Region Format and change it to United Kingdom or United States. (Assuming you have Language set to English, if not let me know.)June 5, 2014 at 8:48 am #5657It took some time for me to understand to change the region format in the setting APP (as you wrote, but anyway, must be the age ;-)) and not in PE settings, but it’s working fine now and the routes are correct (had a lot of errors here in Brazil). Great app, great work! Wouldn’t go on vacations without it.
June 6, 2014 at 12:07 pm #5658I’m also experiencing the same problem processing new routes. I tried to do the workaround, but I cannot seem to find the General in the settings.
June 9, 2014 at 12:42 am #5662I don’t know if this is an example of the bug, but I tried a new route by bicycle with the option to avoid ferry boat turned off. I live about 10M from a cross street. The routing it gave me told me to go 100M in the wrong direction, go down a cross street (also in the opposite direction) and then go back the 100M it told me to go in the first place. IOW, I needed to go northeast, but it directed me to go southwest. Furthermore, although I set to use ferry boat, it again avoided it and sent me through the city to a bridge. There are many one direction streets here but bicycles do not need to follow them. At first I thought it was using an auto setting because of the wrong direction, but then I recognized that the one-direction cross street close to my house even goes in the correct direction for an auto, so now it is even more mysterious.
June 9, 2014 at 2:36 am #5663Aldwin, it’s the General Settings Application of the iPad/Pod/Phone, not the settings button in Pocket Earth.
MikeB, no, the error didn’t give any routes at all. I think your problem is a faulty map. I also corrected quite some errors in Open Street Maps, where ferry lines and the terminals weren’t properly connected (Dublin – Holyhead and Fishguard – Roslare between Wales and Ireland, for example – it always sent me north to cross to Scotland until I set it right in OSM). Also one-way streets are sometimes wrong in OSM.June 9, 2014 at 9:46 am #5664Willi, I’m not so sure the map is faulty. The one-direction streets make no difference to bikes (which was what I had chosen) and furthermore, I just checked OSM and the street is correctly marked. I don’t know about the ferry lines but it looks correct to me. I really don’t know why there were these problems.
June 9, 2014 at 12:35 pm #5666MikeB, can you get a correct route at www.map.project-osrm.org? If it’s right there, OSM is OK, if not, it’s a problem of the street data, which you/we can adjust in OSM.
As I said, sometimes, everything seems right on the map, but the dots aren’t connected in the right way. Here OSM (and with this also Pocket Earth) sent me 10 km down the road because a return loop wasn’t connected the way it should be (and it took me about half an hour to figure it out, how to connect them so it would work). Same with ferries and terminal. But try it at the page cited above and post your results here.June 11, 2014 at 1:48 am #5667Willi, I tried the site and the first problem I had was the only choice for transport seems to be car. For a car, this is perhaps the correct route (I say “perhaps” because I don’t have a car and would not know the correct route) because the ferry boats do not carry cars. However, the first problem I mentioned earlier (going 100M in the opposite direction) is corrected on this map. Instead, it has me turn left at the corner 10M from where I live instead of going south to the next corner. Strangely, this means that this map has me drive 10M in the wrong direction. This map includes no ferry lines, very likely because there are no ferry boats that carry autos – all autos use either tunnels or bridges.
June 11, 2014 at 2:17 am #5668MikeB, you can export a gpx or pocket earth file from pocket earth and attach it. I’ll take a look.
June 11, 2014 at 6:42 am #5669Willi, I just saved the route as a gpx and this server is giving me the error message “file type not allowed.” But, just briefly, I’ll say as I wrote above, more or less, that though I have chosen bicycle as the transport type, the “bug” is that it is using auto as the transport instead of the bicycle.
Here is an example of a bicycle route planner for my city: http://www.routecraft.com/fietsrouteplanner-amsterdam.htmlUnfortunately, routes cannot be exported to gpx. But you could try a rout there and then with Pocket Earth to see the difference. Try for example, “Herengracht 117” as your start point and “Liergouw en Schellingwouderdijk” as your destination.June 11, 2014 at 8:54 am #5670MikeB, I just checked the OSM Editor, there’s no option for a different bicycle direction, so I guess it simply takes the over all one-way directions for everything except pedestrians. If you want it to work, you’d have to create a separate street, just for bicycles with no restrictions, over or aside the existing one. I made this here in my city for a bus corridor where only busses are allowed to go in the opposite direction of the other traffic. Just make sure to check that the new street is only for bicycles.
June 11, 2014 at 10:18 am #5671As I said above, the problem remains that the route is designed for autos only. It is not only the wrong streets (one direction or not), it is the entire route – avoiding the ferry, for example, because it cannot take autos, although in the preferences, I chose to take ferries.
June 11, 2014 at 10:29 am #5672I edited as a test the Nieuwendammerdijk, so there should be (after the next map update) the possibility to go both ways by bicycle. But it would be quite some work to change whole Amsterdam … It’s a problem of OSM, however. Usually you’re only allowed to go by bike in the same direction as cars, if not indicated otherwise, but as the Netherlands are much more into this sport, traffic laws may be different. Have you tried to set “pedestrian”? In your case it might give better results, if you’re allowed to go freely, just as pedestrians. This way, maybe even the ferry works (I’m at work, no iPad around to try).
June 11, 2014 at 11:08 am #5673Bicycling is not a “sport” here, it is a major type of transport. But, anyway, your pedestrian suggestion does work quite well. The route is a bit strange – you go to the ferry by walking through the central train station. It is not actually wrong, but it is rather strange as the station is usually full of people, while there are streets that are almost empty.
Thanks for all your help.But, the most important question for me is will this ever get fixed?June 11, 2014 at 11:16 am #5674This page shows some of the tagging for cycling, in particular the cycleway=opposite and cycleway=opposite_lane for stating cycling is permitted in direction opposite of auto traffic: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:cycleway
For ferries, I believe they just need to be tagged foot=yes to state that they allow passengers on foot. Cycle counts under this since you are not really cycling *on* the ferry, but walking your bike onto it.BTW, we are still waiting for Apple to approve update 2.2.1 to correct the issue with regional settings. It will probably be available tomorrow.June 11, 2014 at 12:07 pm #5676MikeB, as it’s an OSM “problem” it depends on the contributors (but you’re welcome to join ;-)).
GeoMagik, thanks for the quick work, PE is indeed faster and the routes (for cars at least ;-)) are spot on.June 11, 2014 at 11:03 pm #5682Thanks to both of you for the comments. I would be willing to help correct the map, but I’m not sure what is involved. What I am about to say involves not Amsterdam, but the entire country as all cities and towns are the same. By default, all streets are shared between autos and bicycles. In fact, the only place where only autos are permitted is high speed motorways. Some have a separate bike path along side the motorway. But all city/town streets are open to bicycles and larger streets (mostly those where public transport runs) have bicycle lanes. The other streets are shared by both, yet bicycles can travel in the “wrong direction”, while autos cannot.
That is, if every street in the entire country needs to be individually coded, I’m not willing to do that. If some sort of automatisation is possible, I could possibly help. To be clear: The bicycle layer in Pocket Earth works quite well for the countryside, so it is mostly the towns and cities that need to be fixed.June 12, 2014 at 2:20 am #5684Do the things that are important for you. If you have time, do more. I do the same, that’s how it works. I can’t keep up with all the changes in the whole city. If everybody corrects just the few streets around his home and work place, OSM would be perfect :-).
June 12, 2014 at 9:47 am #5685I will do as you suggest. Is there a wiki where I can learn how it works?
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