Feature Request: GeoFence

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  • #4141
    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 38

    I once requested to have waypoint alarms/alert that is useable for navigation in offroad conditions (forest, air, water). Also useable for “staying away” from some spots.

    I would like to request another feature: Geo Fence.
    User either define an area by a) specifying the corners, or by b) specifying a spot and a radius. Once user is outside this area, an alarm will go off. It is specifically the opposite of “staying away” and meant to “keep within” an area.

    I find this feature useful when anchored out in the sea for the night. If the boat was drifted away either by strong current or strong wind, I will be alerted to make necessary adjustments.

    There are also other uses for Geo Fence; one has to use imagination.

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    We are working on a big update now to be released end of September or beginning October to correspond with Apple’s release of iOS 7.  This update will include Japanese and asian font support, public transit highlighting, iOS 7 support, and big changes to help make the app easier to use and easier to learn.

    After this update, I think the following one will be focused on topographic maps, gps track recording functionality, and waypoint navigation including pin/waypoint alarms entering or exiting a zone around them as you have suggested.  
    Defining polygonal areas on the map is something we would probably do later on. We would also like this ability to be able to define and download maps for any custom user defined area.
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