GPX Route imported as Track

Home All Topics Bugs GPX Route imported as Track

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  • #4254
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    When importing a GPX file that contains route points, I only have the option to import these as a track. I would like to import this as a route.

    For example, this is an already stripped down version containing just 3 points:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
     creator=”RideLeader 2.09″

            <bounds minlat=”51.22507″ minlon=”4.16828″ maxlat=”52.064952″ maxlon=”4.40732″ />

            <rtept lat=”51.37973″ lon=”4.246329″>
                <name>Grensweg, Rilland, Reimerswaal, Zeeland, The Netherlands</name>
            <rtept lat=”51.248203″ lon=”4.344263″>
                <name>Scheldelaan, Antwerp, Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium</name>
            <rtept lat=”51.22507″ lon=”4.40732″>
                <name>Klapdorp, Antwerp, Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium</name>

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    PocketEarth only supports GPX import to track objects. In PocketEarth, the main advantage of routes is the navigation mode which gives turn by turn instructions as you move along the route, but the GPX file format does not include this information and thus we cannot import them as routes.

    Note that rte and rtept information should be correctly imported into a track object. rtrpt’s are imported as markers on a Track Segment with a direct line connecting them. This is the best and most correct way that PocketEarth can interpret this information.

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 3

    The route-points are imported as you describe, so I understand this is then not a bug but rather a feature request. I would be happy importing the route points as a track, provided I could then plan a route along these points – by indication a starting point (current location or the first track point) and end point (e.g. last track point). Is this a possibility or future enhancement option?

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 1

    To use route points in a gpx file as route points in PE would actually be a great feature.

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