First, please read our detailed Help Manual for information on using PockEarth. If you have further questions, you can browse or search for them in this forum to see if they may have been discussed already. If you still don’t find what you are looking for, please post in this forum and we will be happy to help you. If you want to make feature requests or report bugs in our app, please do so under the appropriate categories on the forum.
Although very uncommon, in the case of very strange behavior or performance, you may want to close all running Apps and reboot the device:
If you are not on the Home screen, tap the Home button to go there.
Double tap on the Home button of your device to display the multitasking app bar at bottom.
Press and hold on any of these app icons for 2 seconds until they begin to wiggle and show a red minus.
Tap repeatedly on the red minus to close all running Apps.
Reboot your device by pressing and holding the Power button to turn it off.
Once off press again to turn it back on.
This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by GeoMagik.