Nearby Search is gone: v2.0.1, iPad 2, iOS 7.1

Home All Topics Bugs Nearby Search is gone: v2.0.1, iPad 2, iOS 7.1

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  • #4300
    • Topics: 63
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    Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Zoomed in to a level that shows about 16 miles across horizontal/landscape map, on map for which I have downloaded entire State (or country, or city, anything).
    2. Open sidemenu, tap Search > Nearby.
    3. Categories open, first is Areas. Tap it and essentially blank menu slides open. Heading is “Area,” with a back arrow to Categories. No items are showing.
    4. Tap in “Search Areas” window/bar, keyboard comes up. Type anything, even the name of the town I’m viewing.
    5. Immediately, with the first keystroke, message “No Results Found” appears.

    We’re leaving for a long trip in less than a month, and I’m a bit frustrated! Yikes!

    I’ve re-downloaded all my former maps. That took literally days worth of time! Guess my old iPad is slow. But, no matter what map I view, at what zoom level, with what radius chosen, I have no Nearby Search. It’s just blank or No Results Found.

    Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

    Bucky Edgett

    Edited to say: All other Categories work perfectly, with subcategories full of POIs. Even Streets has massive lists. “Areas” is blank. I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong, but really really hope I don’t have to download my maps yet again!

    Edited again to say: Starting from My Maps, I can see lists of cities/towns and search them. However, there are many* towns marked with names on the map that don’t appear in the lists shown in My Maps. This is also true of the lists that appear in All Maps. Thanks!
    *Well, perhaps not “many,” and I’m not going to spend the time looking at maps and comparing the towns to the relevant lists. But I see at least three named & mapped towns in a ten or 15 mile radius map of Languedoc, France that don’t appear in the list for that region.

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    This issue was resolved about a week ago.  Please do an in-app data update to get the corrected Nearby Category definitions which includes fixes for Areas and for some of the Public Transport definitions.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    I’m very sorry! Obviously not paying enough attention to the forum. Can’t thank you enough!

    Now have about 18 jillion Nearbys and Searching is working a treat.

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