Platform: Pocket Earth Pro 3.7.1 on iOS 14.0.1
I use Pocket Earth every day. In the last 24 hours my phone updated to iOS 14, and Pocket Earth to 3.7.1.
At present, when I type a search term and click “search online”, I get the location I expect to see on the “Results” screen, but when i click the result, its background turns gray and the map is never shown.
– in the “search everything” field, i type “iowa” and then click “search online”.
– on the “online address search” screen that appears, i leave “iowa” in the street field, and “United States” in the country field, with all other fields empty
– i click “search”, and the “Results” screen appears, displaying one result with “IA” on the first line and “United States” on the second.
– i click the result, and its background turns grey, an nothing else happens (i have waited up to 5 minutes)
-the results are identical with “iowa” in the state field and the street left empty.
-the same thing happens with every valid address i search in any country i choose.
– I have closed all apps and rebooted and the symptom persists
Is this replicable/Anyone else seeing this?