Public Transport mapping

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  • #4086
    • Topics: 63
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    Just back from a week in Manhatten, NY NY torture testing Pocket Earth! Great app. Going to eventually replace a h*ll of a lot of the paper I used to cart around.

    One thing sorely lacking was a subway/bus map. The metro stations are there, I presume straight from Open Street Map. But the little gray squares are almost invisible; the Train Lines are not show; the train line numbers are not shown. Is this strictly a lack on OSM’s part? A standard Harry Beck-style diagram, superimposed on the actual map, would be a triumph and a life saver!

    I think I see that OSM does not include Routes for Public Transport; shame on them. Or am I missing something?

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    OSM does not include schedule info that would be so helpful for a routing engine, but it does include the route line info (via Relations with type=route). This is fairly comprehensive for metro/subway, and for many big cities also bus routes.

    We plan to make use of this info in the near future to provide interactive line highlighting when selecting a metro or bus stop on the map, possibly a Map Layer overlay as well, and eventually (long term) point to point transit routing.

    Thanks for the feedback about the icons, we are just using OSM icons so far, but would like to customize these (and others).

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    Wow, what a quick response. Good to hear OSM has useful stuff.

    For me, all I want is a Map. Just like the standard subway/metro/tube maps that get handed out in every city. Except the routes and stops would be superimposed on the PE map so that I could see what stops/stations/etc. were nearby, and what lines connected to what.

    The route lines on the map would be simple connect-the-dots between stations. They would be colored to match the official city-produced diagram/map. The connections would be shown with the fairly standard circles.

    Interactive highlighting would be cool, but I’d prefer to see a map layer overlay for the entire system first. With such, it would be easy enough to work out one’s own route just as we do with a printed or PDF map. Interactive highlighting of a single route doesn’t sound, on the face of it, very useful. It’s often, perhaps usually, necessary to make transfers to get from Here to There, and I’d like to see the possibilities all at once!

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