Route guiding through pins not really helpful

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  • #7689
    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 15

    When I plan a route using my location as startingpoint and then ad a number of imported pins to this route, the guidance is not really helpful. These are my noticed shortcomings:
    1). When I approach a pin the top part of the screen displays twice the distance to this pin and the text “Destination reached” (in Dutch “bestemming bereikt”) however it is only the next pin on the route and not the last pin.
    It would be preferable one item showing the distance to the next pin and the other item the distance to the final destination.
    Instead of the text “Bestemming bereikt” it would be nice if the name of the pin can be displayed.
    Also a pointing of the direction you have to go after this pin is missing. Now you only can see it by looking at the route-line where you have to go.
    2). I like to have the statusbar of the phone always visible. Now when guidance is active (after pressing the play-button) the status bar disappears. Then I am no longer able to check my battery level or Network coverage.
    3). The bottomline, including the current height, is in a very small font. During bicycle tours almost impossible to read on my iPhone. For me the Height is very important so a bigger font would be nice.
    4). When you switch off the iPhone, the voice instructions are not spoken even when location service is switched on. It would be nice the voice alerts are spoken when the screen is off to save battery.
    5). Is it possible to shortly switch the screen on when there is direction information changing.

    • Topics: 88
    • Replies: 250

    1) One vote for this from me. When you use an intermediate pin to create a route this intermediate pin is not always of interest, especially when they are used to alter a scenic route. I think the distance to the final destination should always be visible.
    2) Totally agree!
    3) You can change the size of the labels in Settings Menu » GPS & Compass » Info Label : large

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