saving my gpx routes

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    ok, i’m sure this is an easier thing to do than i am making it out and admittedly i’m not exactly techno savvy. but i can’t seem to get my gpx routes which i worked out through ridewgps to save anywhere in PE. i open the file for a route through an email using PE and am given a notice that PE has imported the data. i can then view the map (but the little star remains red so it hasn’t actually downloaded?). it’s in my all favorites list (but not my routes list and i can’t actually view anything from the all favorites list). i am getting ready to do a two week ride and was hoping to download each day’s ride from my ridewgps files into my phone but i seem to be missing a step. any help??

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    My Routes contain the calculated turn-by-turn routes. The imported ‘bread crumb‘ GPX-tracks are stored in My Tracks. Also, the name of the track used in PE is the name stored in the GPX file itself, which is not always the same as the file name.

    The red star indicates that the maps along the route are not downloaded for offline usage. (Downloading the maps along the track is actually not necessary when you already downloaded the whole region/country.)

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    thanks, but when i go to my routes, there is nothing there but a red box telling me to save routes by making a route first then tapping the start button (which i thought i was doing by importing one). there is the file w the name of my route in my tracks (like in all favorites) but it just sends me to the same page that all favorites does (which says overview in the left upper corner). hitting view on that page does let me see the zoomable map of my route but i don’t see turn by turn info anywhere. so basically, i can get the map but not any cue sheet type info. any idea where i am going wrong? i appreciate your assistance

    • Topics: 88
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    Tracks are basically a list of co-ordinates, without the turn-by-turn indication. This means it only shows the line in the map, which is enough to follow, at least when walking or cycling.

    When you create a route within PE you will have the turn-by-turn indication.

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    GPX files are meant to store GPS Tracks, that is, actual recordings of ones movements. GPX does not have support for turn-by-turn routing. For this reason GPX are imported into Pocket Earth as Track objects, not Routes. There are two related feature requests which could improve this situation and we are considering them for inclusion in a future update:

    1. Option on GPX import to create a Route, fetching the turn-by-turn instructions from our server using the coordinates in the GPX file as the start and destinations points.
    2. Option to do Navigation on Tracks, by giving simple directions like “Head Northwest” for “1 km”. This wouldn’t be the kind of rich instructions given with real routes, but just state the direction and distance to next point on the track. Tracks already offer this kind of functionality but only by using Waypoints.
    • Topics: 27
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    I like the idea of option 1 as this would presumably download the associated mapping by default if not already installed

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