Search with longer Range, user specified search area

Home All Topics Feature Requests Search with longer Range, user specified search area

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  • #4245
    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 38

    Currently, PE’s search is limited to max 64KM range. I find this insufficient for long distance, sparsely populated area.
    I am traveling long distance and the next gasoline station is 100KM away. Current PE will not show this.

    Secondly, it is confusing and irrelevant for me to show all those gas stations where I am not. If I am traveling 100KM North, I dont want to know the gas stations 50KM south of where I am currently; I want to know the gas stations within 25KM where I will be in the next few hours!

    How about a search engine that allows me to designate the search area:
    Option 1: Search within X radius of current location (default)
    Option 2: Search within X radius within specified location.

    Lastly on the search result, the list should also include some form of direction indicator where it is located relative to the specified spot:
    ie, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or arrows…

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    How about a simple Current Map choice? Zoom the map to show some arbitrary area, and have a “Radius” of “Current Map:” show all of any chosen POI Category that occur on the zoomed map?

    I’d like that!

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 38

    “Current Map choice” or “Current Visible Map” sounds a much easier (intuitive) suggestion indeed.
    ie, just zoom/pan towards the targetted area, and Search will search within said area only.

    great idea indeed!

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    Thanks! I’ve posted this idea before, explaining that I am totally “distance challenged.” I don’t have any really good idea how far away half of 20 km is going to be from me. So the Search radii do little good for me.

    There are also many cases where I want to see results on a much smaller scale: within only a few city blocks from my current location. Would that be 300 m/ft? I have no idea.

    Trying to have enough different radii to satisfy all the different possibilities –and getting me understand them!– is futile!

    Thanks for your kind words.

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    Our next update will include a 128km radius search option as well as a “Current Map” option.

    We will consider the other suggestions here for a future update.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    Current Map! Hooray! The distance challenged cannot thank you enough. Awesome!

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 38

    Big +1 to PocketEarth for this simple but great feature.

    Very Intuitive and Easy to use. Good bye calculating distance; just zoom-in into the map/area of interest and search!

    PS. with this feature, no need to implement “Arrows” or direction to where the POI is in relation to where I am currently at. By showing the POIs directly on-the-map is far more superior than showing a text list of POI and distance with or without arrow/direction.

    PS. 128km search radius is irrelevant now considering we can just zoom-in, zoom-out into the area of interest and perform search. Perhaps, you might want to consider removing the radius in the search altogether and just do ‘Search within the Current Map”. It is far more intuitive to use.

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 38


    Gotta read more of your great ideas and more importantly implement them! +1

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