Some areas have less detail than OpenStreetMap.org

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  • #4139
    • Topics: 88
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    Why does PE sometimes have less detail than the maps shown in openstreetmap.org.

    (Take a look at Bandirma, Turkey and surroundings for example.)

    • Topics: 63
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    Do you have the latest updated data? I thought I had Turkey saved as a My Destination, but I didn’t. So when I zoomed in on Bandirma, my PE downloaded the small area of the city. The PE version seems, to me, to have all the details I see on OSM desktop.

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    In general, PocketEarth should show all data that is shown on the OSM website, often PE shows even more.

    At some zoom levels however, PE shows less detail. Since we are rendering the maps on the device, this is done for performance reasons.  The next update will improve this situations slightly, by showing minor roads and building starting from a lower zoom level.
    Is this what you are seeing or do you find details on OSM that are missing from PocketEarth even when zoomed in?
    • Topics: 88
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    Also when zoomed in all the way it did not show the minor roads. I just solved it by going to Settings » Data Cache » Check Now.
    First I tried deleting the downloaded areas and zoomed in on Bandirma while online with WiFi, but it probably used the incomplete data cache. But it is still strange that it didn’t show all the information in the first place, since my last Data Cache update was showing august 5th, and I downloaded the maps on the 2nd of August. Or was this region recently updated in OSM? 

    I never used the update button before, because I had the ‘Automatic Updates’ set to Monthly. Now I have set it to Weekly. 

    It might be useful to have an update button in ‘My Destinations Details’, so when going to a certain region you can make sure these maps are updated, instead of downloading all your saved destination maps.    

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