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  • #8018
    • Topics: 27
    • Replies: 96

    For me a combination of ancient eyes and low light makes viewing map text, ie road numbers and place names, a bit difficult – especially so when they are partly obscured by the route or track line

    Would it be posssible to adjust the transparency of these lines, and possbly even the conspicuity of text, on our devices?

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 53

    I have thought the same, but then wondered whether the text size is a street map function – and then perhaps not under Pocket Earth control.

    A suggestion is to use the Accessibility Zoom function of the iPad under the General settings.

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799

    Pocket Earth has a Text Size setting in: Settings > More Settings > Text Size

    I agree though that our default text size is too small on some devices.

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 53

    Thanks, Geomagick. That certainly improves matters.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    I think there may be another thread on “adjusting route line colors” in order to not obscure road/street names and route numbers. If so, please point me to it! But I’ll start here, and ask if, instead of adjusting route line colors, it would be possible to put names/numbers on an overlay layer, above the route line. That is, layers:

    1. Curb lines

    2. Route line

    3. Street/road names & route number plaques.

    Of course this ordering/layering would be baked in and not a Map Layer adjustable by the user. I hope this is clear!

    Bucky Edgett

    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 799


    We do have a plan to move text into an overlay layer that would help with a number of issues including keeping horizontal text horizontal on rotation and fixing the occasional text cut offs. Unfortunately this is a huge task, we already spent about 2 man months of time on it and it is no where close to finished so we had to pause on this for the moment to implement higher priority stuff. Multi-device Favorites sync is scheduled for our next major update, and contour maps to follow.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 299

    Thank you, GeoM. All of this sounds great!

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