Track not recording

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  • #8063
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    I’m using PE v. 2.6.1 on an iPan Mini w/iOS 8, AND v2.4 on an iPod Touch w/iOS 6.1.6. The former (on the iPad) works perfectly; the latter (on the Touch) used to work perfectly but will now no longer record a new track. The “you are here” indicator accurately follows my wanderings but nothing is recorded. I use a Dual XGPS150A for GPS data and this is what I have always used; it continues to function perfectly to record tracks using PE on the iPad, as well as using other map progs (EG, Galileo) on the Touch. I have considered deleting and re-downloading PE to the Touch but am uncertain whether or not this will result in loss of my historic data (recorded tracks).



    • Topics: 88
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    I have no suggestions on why recording a track on you iPod does not work anymore. But you can export all your favorites – including tracks – via the Settings Menu » Export » (Pocket Earth Archive!) Export all data…

    You create a back up this way and by importing this file on the iPad you’ll have all your favorites there too.

    • Topics: 32
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    Sorry this is an issue in the current version! We are waiting for approval from Apple for the next update 2.6.2 which should solve this issue.

    Deleting the app will loose all favorites data, but as @jsgblom says you can export a backup of all data for later import. But in this case it won’t solve the issue. Hopefully Apple approves our hot-fix update soon!

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