I’ve been searching the forum, and perhaps my search is not specific enough! So I hope you won’t mind my asking a somewhat ignorant question.
I just checked my data status, and am told my maps have an update of about 4 gb available. Sadly, my ISP’s draconian data cap makes it impossible to do that all at one go. And just at the moment, I don’t really need to upate all my maps, just thost that are relevant to an upcoming trip. AND, in general I’d like to know if an “update” can be done without redownloading all the map data. The last question is mostly just curiosity, I guess!
So, is there a way to “update” a single map, or should I just un-star/delete the map and redownload? And if I did that, would I get the new version?
And, I suppose I should say that being given a kind of generic notice that I have 4 gb of “updates” available doesn’t really tell me what, specifically, is going to be updated. In my case, I think 4 gb is about the total for all my saved map data. That kind of implies all of my map data will be REPLACED. Which I don’t need to do now!
So any advice would be appreciated.