Using routes

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  • #8006
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    The description of how to use routes in your online help does not seem to match what I see in your app. I don’t see a My Routes anywhere and I don’t see a star to hit to store the route in My Routes. However I did stumble across Favorites and it appears that perhaps the route is automatically saved to Favorites without my doing anything. Is that correct? Are the Favorites saved on my device or are they online somewhere? And what is stored in Favorites? Just Routes or other things too? Also, your manual references the Info Panel repeatedly but never tells you where to find it. A screen picture showing where various items are located would be extremely helpful. Further, how do you edit or change the name of a Route after you have created it? So far it looks like you have a very nice app but your documentation leaves a little to be desired. Thanks for your help.

    • Topics: 88
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    The manual is a bit outdated. In recent versions they changed quite a bit in the menu’s and favorites handling. I will try to answer your questions

    1. Favorites are poi/pin/route/track/group
    2. If you tap Per Type (the last entry) in the main menu (left) it will unfold and show the Favorites per type (My POI, My Pins, …). On the iPhone 4s you will have to scroll down a little to see them.
    3. Info panel is the black bar at the top of the screen which shows the name of the selected favorite.
    4. The info screen (I prefer to call it Detail screen) is the full size screen with all the details of the favorite. By tapping the info panel it opens the info-details-screen of that favorite.
    5. The route is automatically saved when changing the name or adding a waypoint from within the info-details-screen. Here you will also find a + Save button, which changes in a Delete button when already saved.
    6. You can change the name of any favorite (pin/poi/route/track/group) by tapping the name itself in the info screen.
    • Topics: 88
    • Replies: 250

    I forgot one question:

    • The favorites are only stored on your iPhone.
    • You can make a backup by exporting (Settings menu » Export) a pocket earth archive (iTunes / Mail or Open In…).
      This will create a single file with all the favorites. You can import this without worrying about creating duplicates or overwriting newer versions of the same favorites. The export/import is also handy to copy favorites between devices.
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