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  • in reply to: Understanding elevations in Tracks #7240
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    BTW: When editing it in mygpsfiles its wise to keep a back up of the original track or maybe even better (and easier) to save it with a different name, indicating that it has alt+time added to it.

    in reply to: Understanding elevations in Tracks #7239
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    Ascent and Descent are the cumulative of going up and downhill. Alt Change = Ascent – Descent.

    When altitude and time is included in the track PE will show a graph with the profile. You can find this at the bottom of the Detail screen. Tapping the graph will show it full screen. It shows a graph of the total track and also of each segment if applicable.

    When your track does not have both time and elevation you can add it using the excellent web app mygpsfiles:
    • go to http://mygpsfiles.com/app/
    • open the gpx track (Track » Open…)
    • open the toolbox (Window » Toolbox)
    • select the tab Elevation, select Use elevation from Mapquest and press the Apply button
    • select the Time tab and select Set speed to the average speed, press the Apply button
    • save the file by clicking the old-fashioned floppy disks somewhere top left.
    • import this saved file into PE and viola you have a profile.

    mygpsfiles.com/app bonus tips:
    • click on the profile and hover the mouse along the profile.
    • switch the map to Earth 3D (top right corner) and wait for the Google Earth plugin to start (if installed on your computer)
    • you can also open multiple tracks and merge into one, so you have only one file in PE

    in reply to: saving my gpx routes #7203
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    Tracks are basically a list of co-ordinates, without the turn-by-turn indication. This means it only shows the line in the map, which is enough to follow, at least when walking or cycling.

    When you create a route within PE you will have the turn-by-turn indication.

    in reply to: question about tracks/gps #7186
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    A GPS position is not static, even when you are not moving. Depending on the signal quality, number of satellites received and the position of the satellites the position varies a little every time it is calculated. When you switch on the GPS Info labels you will sometimes notice that it shows a speed and direction while you are not moving. So when taking a break it still might add some distance to your track, I think even more so when your Minimum Distance Moved is set to 1 meter.

    @GeoMagik: Maybe set the minimum distance moved to 5 meter instead of 1, since it is overprecision?

    One solution could be to switch off GPS while having a break. An extra advantage when doing this is you save some battery and you will split up your track in segments.

    in reply to: saving my gpx routes #7184
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    My Routes contain the calculated turn-by-turn routes. The imported ‘bread crumb‘ GPX-tracks are stored in My Tracks. Also, the name of the track used in PE is the name stored in the GPX file itself, which is not always the same as the file name.

    The red star indicates that the maps along the route are not downloaded for offline usage. (Downloading the maps along the track is actually not necessary when you already downloaded the whole region/country.)

    • Topics: 88
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    I’ve been cycling quite a bit lately the blue arrow is sometimes hard to distinguish, especially when following a blue track.

    It would be great to make the arrow stand out a bit more.

    in reply to: Hide zoom buttons on iPad version #5564
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    A vote from me on this too.
    in reply to: Hiw do I import a gpx file into PE? #5563
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    Dropbox is the best way for me too. I have a subfolder in my Dropbox called GPX files where I store all my GPX files. 
    (This way I also have a back up of all my GPX files in the cloud and can work on them with programs or websites on my computer without having to think about updating to my iDevices.)
    in reply to: Confirm before un-starring tracks or pins #5562
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    I agree that it is to easy to unintentionally delete a pin, route or track or sometimes even an offline map.
    The advantage of not being asked to confirm is when you hit it intentionally, which is most of the time. 
    But the pain when hitting it unintentionally is a lot greater than the advantage I think.
    When travelling there are moments when you are tired or distracted by the surroundings and then it is more likely for this to happen. 
    And these are also the moments when it hurts the most, since it is difficult to get the pin/route/track/map back again when your offline.
    – I hardly ever use the track recording option, but instead I use imported GPX tracks a lot. 
    Loosing a GPX-track is also no fun. I know you can get these back from the Import section, but the average user does not know this.
    – An offline map is not immediately tossed away when un-starring it, but still when hitting it unintentionally you might find out to late that you un-starred the map. 
    – A calculated offline route is gone forever.
    – A pin is also gone with the wind as soon as you hit the green star and select another item.
    So a big vote from me on this one. 
    (Or what about a trash bin where you can find the un-starred items, on top of the confirmation message?)
    • Topics: 88
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    Selecting area’s (city / region / country) in the map works better now. Nice touch to switch of city selection on higher zoom levels, although I think that city selection could be switched off completely, especially on the iPhone. As you say, using the menu is a good option to download cities. The magnifying glass works better now but especially on the iPhone it is sometimes a little annoying that a city is selected while you did not intend to. And when you unintentionally tap the magnifying glass, it is even more annoying. (I see it happening with some of my older participants in my PE course, who are new to touch screens and are not that handy with it yet.)
    Selecting regions is really helpful though! When cycling a long distance route across multiple countries or regions it is really helpful to just select the regions or country along the route. 

    This brings me to another issue: see my other discussion Downloading maps along a route/track: extend the margin
    in reply to: Buggy: New Route » Add Destination » Street Address #5553
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    I just tested this with v2.02b2 and it is working fine now.

    in reply to: Navigate to Destination when GPS is off #5550
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    in reply to: Bugs in Changing the order of Destinations of a Route #5549
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    Yep, still crashes sometimes. You still see the 3D drop shadow of the dragged item when it crashes. It happens at the moment I drop it.
    It also happens when GPS is switched off. Sometimes it happens after just a couple of times shuffling around (3 or 4 times). Another time it does not crash after 10 or more times. 
    My last few crash reports – may 3rd somewhere between 20:30 and 21:00 – are from this bug. (I assume you can see them right?)

    On my iPhone iOS6 dragging the list items is smooth, but on my iPad iOS7 I can’t drag at all.   

    in reply to: Translation Map Rotation / GPS Arrow #5536
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    GPS Position: Middelpunt / Kijk Vooruit
    GPS Position: Centreer / Kijk Vooruit
    PS: Again, technically ok, but Centreer and Kijk Vooruit both are an action (verb) while Middelpunt is a noun.
    in reply to: Navigate to Destination when GPS is off #5535
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    Will do. I just tested with v2.02b2 by starting Route Here with a selected POI and I got the “Start point is far from road network” message. 
    Also, when I get this message it is not easy to recalculate the route. Now I have to change Transport Mode to trigger the recalculation.
    Maybe use the Reverse button as a Recalculate button when this happens? (There is nothing to reverse in this situation!)
    Will try again with vb3.
    in reply to: Feature Request: Auto Center #5521
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    This could be a nice feature, but also annoying when auto-center is not expected.
    I think it should only auto-center the map when moving (above a certain speed).
    And it should be easy to switch on/off.  
    in reply to: Navigate to Destination when GPS is off #5518
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    Just installed v2.02b1 and both issues are still there. 

    Once a GPS position is established the first issue does not happen anymore, but initialising often takes a long time. 
    (I’m testing this from behind my desk, so not moving and a bad GPS reception.) 

    in reply to: Navigate to Destination when GPS is off #5513
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    Sometimes Initialising takes a very long time. This is also solved by switching GPS on/off. 
    • Topics: 88
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    I find country and region selection in the map useful, but selecting a city is a bit tricky. Often I select a city unintentionally. On top of that unintentionally tapping the magnifying glass is annoying sometimes. 
    in reply to: How to download whole country? #5296
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    Another issue concerning the offline maps is that I think it is too easy to deselect a downloaded area. For instance, when a country is selected which has been downloaded the star icon is green. When tapping the star icon by accident the maps are removed from My Destinations. (It will be still there in the cache, but for how long?)   

    A message warning about removing the selected map area would be nice. (The same goes for pins.)
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