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Well isn’t that crazy! Can’t thank you enough for figuring that out.
Yes, when I deleted the URL text and typed the URL back in by hand, all was well. I’ll fix the others as I run across them.
The odd thing is, the ecape-character sequence is not just invisible, it’s undetectable/unselectable. My cursor would not recognize it at all. I don’t know how that could even happen!
OK, good! I’m surprised PE is reading past the quotes, but there ya go! PE is great!
This all works for me, as expected. iPad 2; iOS 7.1 ; PE Pro 2.3.
OK, I just did a copy and paste from an Export of my current Pins. I copied the first Pin, made a new text file from it, relabeled the new text file “test_csv.csv,” amd Imported it into PE Pro v2.3. Worked perfectly.
The text in my file was, exactly:
XX.XXXXX°N XX.XXXXX°E,”Friends, The”,,marker-pin-camera,0000FF,”StreetAddress
46700 Town
(n the above, I have substituted gobbeldygook for the actual info I used in my test, to protect privacy.) Note that I used double-quotes only where necessary to preserve formatting when importing. Note also that I used the Location Attribute just because that’s the way PE exported it from my current Pins information. (See link above for details on lat/long formatting and other stuff.) Note also that there are double commas in my test file, representing places where I left out information.
This stuff has to be stupidly literal and exact if it’s going to work: take it from me, a former small-time database developer!
I hope these notes help.
First off, Dear Thorsten, Please try to eliminate all double quotes in your file, except…in places where you want to have carriage returns or other formatting instructions respected within a given “field”/cell/category.
“115.1641598016452″,”-8.699799751626786″,”Hotel Jayacarta, Legian”,””
perhaps should be:
115.1641598016452,-8.699799751626786,Hotel Jayacarta, Legian
I will do some testing.
I’m sorry. I went back to a thread ( ) and see what’s going on. What version PE are we discussing? I will test.
Dear nounours,
“make sure the file we want to import respects the same conventions”
A CSV is just a text file with any kind of structure it’s author wanted to define for it. (Basically, a row-and-column database/spreadsheet file with columns defined as any kind of information the author wanted to tag.) How the heck is PE supposed to know what a “CSV” file is trying to tell it?
Oh, and what Kritou said while I was typing!
Dear bvcyswim,
The Original Poster says, “This would allow me to create routes myself using the powerful maps in PocketEarth but without relying on having an internet connection.” In her/his case, I would call the multiple-straight-line result an Itinerary, not a Route.
Strikes me as a good potential feature. No one is always satisfied with a every Route any engine (built-in or networked) provides. Plans change, often on the go! Notes for Waypoints could contain contact information, hotel reservation numbers, etc. etc. for multiple sites or places around a town, for multiple towns or Destinations. And, not all of us are always on-line when traveling, especially in foreign countries or out-of-the-way places. (I could tell stories!)
This Itinerary function would be somewhat like a visual TripIt or something vaguely similar, except it wouldn’t require being online, and it would give access to the PE maps that the user would then use to manually navigate on the go. It would also be possible to edit the Waypoints offline, on the go. Interesting.
I kind of like the idea! Except if I were the developers, I would separate it from Tracks and Routes, creating the third category “Itinerary.” PE already has the functionalities necessary, they just need to be coordinated/collected/presented as a new Function.
Yours, Bucky Edgett
Dear Kritou and other friends,
I realize y’all would prefer an offline/baked-in way to do this, and so don’t want to sound like a know-it-all-apologist!
But a fall-back position for those who might be able to plan ahead (I say this as an inveterate and obsessive trip planner!) might be to construct desired “Way Point Routes” in Google Earth, and save them as KML/KMZs which can be converted to GPX ( ) to import into PE.
I know, it’s a clumsy workaround, but it does work. I’ve used the method for several projects in PE. But then, I never do anything spontaneously, on the go. Sorry!
Bucky EdgettI am certianly not the expert, and reading the Help Manual was not conclusive for me! But, can’t we do something along these lines by using the “Add Waypoint” function to a new Route?
Or are Waypoints not what you folks want?
Also, as an addition, it seems to me that the map updates do not continue when PE Pro is not the active/frontmost app. While I am making these posts, the update does not continue. I think.
OK, I’ve found out what I have to do. (PE Pro, v2.3; iPad 2, iOS 7.1)
The maps were not updated. The Info Window has the note “Saved for offline use.” Wrong. When I tap the View button,and PE Pro shows me that map, the map begins updating. The note below the map name (in it’s Info Window) changes from “Saved…” to “Downloading (XX.X%)” and the download proceeds. Rather slowly, in some cases, as the load on the PE server changes, I assume.
Maybe I missed something somewhere. This seems a not very informative system. I like having the opportunity to choose which maps I’m going to update, individually. My datacap at my home ISP would never allow me to do a 4gb download in one go! But having no idea which maps are downloaded/updated is not good.
At the very least, after “deleting” the actual data of My Maps, the notice should have changed from “Saved…” to “Not Saved…” At the best, to maintain consistency with the rest of the interface, there should be a Saved Star between the Delete and View buttons that changes from outline to filled as relevant.
Hmmm, I’m also using an iPad (2, iOS 7) and I tried to use the aidebar Settings menu to update my maps. The initial message was that there was >4,000 mb of data. I’m at a friend’s house and he assured me that would not be a datacap problem; as it would be at MY house! I tapped the OK, the Download bar came on and advanced, then closed after about a minute. I know there’s no way even HIS connection could download 4gb’s in less than a minute!
My Settings also now tell me all data is up to date. That’s just not possible!
Wait a minute! In the new PE Pro, this works. Kind of. I have my two Tracks in a Group, and if I use the View button for the Group, both Tracks show. The problem is that doing this hides my Pins. POIs still show if, of course, zoomed in enough.
Good start!
Bucky Edgett
Hah! The Help Manual describes this in Favorites. Seems different to me, but I don’t know when it happened!
Bucky Edgett
Yes, please. I have created several Tracks that are historical information: for example, the route of the Via Domitia and the route of a putative Via Heraklea. I’d like to see them both at once, as if they were Pins or POIs.
Thanks for considering this.
Bucky Edgett
iOS 7.1, iPad 2, just updated to PE Pro 2.3
I also could not select an existing Pin to move it. At least, not in a couple dozen tries on a half-dozen Pins. But now I see a consistent behavior:
First, tap the Pin to Select it, then press&hold ’til it jumps north. Then I can move it.
This seems different to me. Or am I just mis-remembering?
Bucky Edgett
August 8, 2014 at 8:34 pm in reply to: Showing all lines to one stop_area instead of onet stop_position #7454Dear nounours,
Thanks for continuing to listen to my rants. You’re a good friend!
I can absolutely understand the old-time-static-map vs nifty-digital-searching paradigm. And imagine how it developed into the current bifurcated system. But it’s cooked deeply into the code, and how to improve it…well…
I’m glad it’s not my job to figure out how to deal with it. Changes would never get made!
BuckyAugust 8, 2014 at 4:19 am in reply to: Showing all lines to one stop_area instead of onet stop_position #7451Guess I overstayed my welcome! To continue,,,
It might be useful to have Map Layers deal with truly permanent infrastructure, and Search with ephemera. But even there, I’m not convinced. There are times I’d like to see local roads at a higher zoom level, times I’d like to just de-clutter my map and not show them at all. There have been posts asking for the ability to show/hide traffic lights. I couldn’t care less about traffic lights, but someone did! So, just in general, I’d prefer to have all categories of information be Shown/Hidden through a “Search-like” function, and be sticky until Hidden.
But there’s another level of the concept of Stickiness, and the second level will probably open the question of performance.
My concept, as outlined above, is that First-Level Stickiness is merely the ability to Show/Hide all categories+subcategories+sub-sub-categories (including Transport and the associated Route Lines) individually, Showing until checked as Hidden.
However, that does not address the concept of touching an individual icon (which would include icons for Bus Stops, Metro Stations, etc.) and having some information appear for that icon. In the simple case of ephemera (POIs, Pins) it should be possible to touch one, have its Info Window open; touch another, have the Info window display the second icon’s info; leaving both icons highlighted. In that case, it would be necessary to re-touch an icon and deliberately close the/its Info window to de-highlight it. Which would leave the Info window open for the last touched icon. Whew! Now we’re into performance issues!
But how to treat public transport lines? As is, touching a stop icon Shows the Line. Would we need to re-touch the Line to Hide the Line? What if a POI/Pin icon was near the Line? How would PE discriminate the touch?
So there are still issues to deal with! I say, the best way to cut the Gordian Knot is simply to eliminate the current icons for Stops. Make Public Transport a “Search = Show/Hide” function, like Map Layers, like I would want all categories of information to work, in the finest-grained sub-(sub-sub-sub etc.) categorized way possible (given OSM’s posibilities).
While the Bus Lines are showing, touching a stop would bring u its information in the Info Window. (The same way touching a Pub Icon does.) Touching another Stop Icon would bring up its info. Using the New Search = Show/Hide function in the Side Menu would allow me to Hide Bus Lines.
Perhaps not as simple as currently, where Stops show depending on the Map Layer enabled, but to my mind, if I’m not interested in using Public Transport, why have the stops Showing, cluttering my map? How is it more difficult to use a Search = show/hide function than to go into Settings > Map Layers to Show/Hide them?
Just a thought! Thanks for thinking about this stuff!