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Pocket Earth doesn’t snap to roads nor any other modification of the GPS fixes. It may filter out samples though as determined by settings in Settings > GPS & Compass > GPS Track Recording.
Perhaps you could try changing the GPS Accuracy setting to Highest or double checking the filtering settings. Often these movements are due to non-GPS Cellular fixes which Apple mixes in with the GPS fixes, and you can try to filter them out by lowering the minimum accuracy setting.If that doesn’t help, are you using an external GPS unit? Does this happen only when Pocket Earth is in the background, or also when its open on the screen?Also you mention 2.0.4, I’d recommend updating to the latest 2.1 update as more than 50 bugs were corrected since 2.0.4 including one where PE could show a straight line during BG recording if you stop moving for 15 minutes then resume again without re-opening the app (a battery saving feature we didn’t realize Apple had added :/ The new update may *suggest* that you also download the latest maps data, but you will not be forced to.This page shows some of the tagging for cycling, in particular the cycleway=opposite and cycleway=opposite_lane for stating cycling is permitted in direction opposite of auto traffic:
For ferries, I believe they just need to be tagged foot=yes to state that they allow passengers on foot. Cycle counts under this since you are not really cycling *on* the ferry, but walking your bike onto it.BTW, we are still waiting for Apple to approve update 2.2.1 to correct the issue with regional settings. It will probably be available tomorrow.Should be mostly fixed now I think. Tell me if you still seeing issues with our site.We are planning to switch to a more integrated forum system in the next couple weeks which should further improve things.Yes, sorry about this! This issue will be corrected in our next update (in a few days). What happened is that we switched to a *much* better routing provider, but in doing so, we introduced a bug where is causes this issue for certain regional settings.
As a workaround until our next update, you can open the Settings app and go to General > International > Region Format and change it to United Kingdom or United States. (Assuming you have Language set to English, if not let me know.)2.0.3 had over 20 bug fixes including some really important ones. But unfortunately one of the fixes in it *badly* broke text labels all over the map, so we subsequently corrected it and released 2.0.4 quickly to cover this one.
2.1 should be available any day now which includes greatly improved routing service (switched online providers).We are now back on the bug fixing track again and will look into the issue you mentioned soon!I can confirm that user pins and favorites not showing on map during a Nearby > Show All was not intentional, and will be corrected in 2.0.3 which is expected out end of next week.
New Track doesn’t automatically enable current location, as the user may wish to plan waypoints on the track in advance of using the recording function. Pressing record on a track will automatically enable GPS if it isn’t already.Yea, I hear you, our current routing provider is poor to say the least. The one we are planning to migrate to in 2.1 should be much better. Of course the ultimate goal is to do routing completely offline, but thats exceptionally difficult and we don’t have the resources to do it just yet. Hopefully in 2.1 we will get offline address search completed. Topographic maps is another huge feature, and automatic iCloud sync for favorites, etc… we got our work cut out for us 😉I see what you mean. Looking into it..
Thanks for reporting it, this will be fixed in the next data update!
The latest up2date maps update was published yesterday and you can get by going to Settings > Manage Data > Check for Updates. Still more work to be done, but this update reduces total app memory usage by up to 34%, reduces chance of crashing and improves the rendering performance. Expect more improvements in the following weeks.
May 16, 2014 at 7:38 pm in reply to: URL Scheme (Launching and Controlling PE from other Apps) #5605Yes, it is actually. Another undocumented feature 😉 With the create Pin command, you can add the following (they follow same rules as for CSV Import fields for icon and color):&icon=ICON where ICON *must* be one of these values: marker-pin (default), marker-pin-small, marker-pin-flag, marker-pin-home, marker-pin-contact, marker-pin-camera, marker-pin-sleep, marker-pin-food, marker-pin-footprint, marker-pin-star.&color=COLOR where COLOR may be any standard CSS color name or 6 letter hex color code. Examples: blue, black, F0F8FF. Note, by doing this, you may use any color you like, you are not restricted to the 10 colors offered in the app Pin Info screen.May 16, 2014 at 1:48 am in reply to: URL Scheme (Launching and Controlling PE from other Apps) #5598Pocket Earth 2.0.2 supports a few additional items:• Turn on GPS just long enough to get your location fix:pe-remote://?geolocate• Turn on GPS and leave it on:pe-remote://?gps• Open a specific main screen:pe-remote://?screen=SCREENwhere SCREEN may be any of the following: maps.all, maps.favs, favs.all, favs.pins, favs.pois, favs.routes, favs.tracks, favs.groups, search.recents, search.nearby, search.contacts, search.address, search.coords, guides.all, guides.recents, guides.favsNote that you can optionally combine the screen opening function with either the gps function or the long/lat map positioning function so that Sort by Distance and Nearby Search area covers the location you want.Also note that pe-remote:// is the new preferred scheme although magikmap:// still works just the same.Our current routing provider doesn’t give alternate route suggestions. You can only get 2 versions by changes the transport mode between Fastest and Shortest. Fastest tends to prefer larger highways and Shortest tends to prefer smaller often more scenic roads. You should always set this to your preference for a route for best results. After doing this, you can control the path a route takes by adding one or more control points.
To make a control point press and hold on the route line on the map until an orange dot appears, then drag it to the road you would like the route to follow. Sometimes even with 1 or more control points it will “refuse” to follow the road you want, this can be because either the Fastest/Shortest setting or because the OSM data is lacking the proper routing information to know that its possible to drive through that road.We are planning on migrating to a different routing provider in our 2.1 update. Initially the features will be the same but they support public transit routing, tollway and ferry avoidance, and offer alternate route suggestions and in the future we will make use of these new possibilities.Pre-rendering is not really practical because it uses substantially more memory. We are working to improve the rendering times (especially over Netherlands, which is probably the slowest loading views).
You should see some improvement to performance as well as a greatly reduced chance of crashing with the next maps update which will be available in the next few days.A new update 2.0.2 was made available since yesterday. It corrects about 20 bugs and crashes in the app, many with the routing feature. Your current location is no longer added as the start point for a New Route so should solve your point 1 at least. Point 2 was intentional, but you made a good case, we will reconsider.
Another update 2.0.3 should be available within the next 2 weeks to address the few remaining bugs and routing usability issues. An latest map data will be available in the next day or 2 via in-app data update. This data update will also greatly reduce chances of crashing when panning/zooming over certain areas of the world (Netherlands especially).“And strangely, neither Prague nor Vienna have airports“
We have identified the problem with this. The airports are there on the map, but because they are tagged on either Way or Relation objects, no POI icons or listing in Nearby are appearing. I should be able to correct this at some point over the next weeks. This applies to some some shops, tourist attractions, and amenities as well.A new update 2.0.2 is available since today which corrects this issue and many other bugs. Another update 2.0.3 should be available in about 2 weeks to address a few remaining bugs and usability issues.There was an issue with our online routing provider which has been resolved now. You shouldn’t encounter any more issues with this.
Really sorry to hear this happened (again)! We had planned to fix the accidental unstar delete issue in 2.0 but it didn’t make it in. We have spec’d out the changes already and will implement them for 2.1 (in another month probably, we are still working on a high priority 2.0.2 hot-fix update first).Okay, glad to hear it! I think the other address results fixes/improvements I made must have solved it somehow. Hopefully the bug doesn’t pop up again. There is nothing harder than fixing bugs that I can’t reproduce!
Thanks, fixed this one, but looks like there is another crash reordering dests that I need to figure out.