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  • in reply to: Wie löscht man unerwünschte Startpunkte einer Route? #4373
    • Topics: 32
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    Derzeit ist es nicht möglich die Reihenfolge von Routen-Markern zu verändern. Es ist möglich die Route in die entgegengesetzte Richtung berechnen zu lassen, aber Marker können nicht individuell in ihrer Folge verschoben werden.
    Mit unserer kommenden Version 1.3 wird dies jedoch möglich sein. Auch wird es möglich sein die Richtungswechsel der Route (kl. blaue Punkte)  – wie bereits die Routen-Marker – durch ein Antippen + Ziehen zu verschieben.
    Wir planen eine Veröffentlichung der Version in den nächsten zwei Monaten.
    in reply to: Wie löscht man unerwünschte Startpunkte einer Route? #4369
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    Um Start-/End-/Zwischen-Marker einer Route zu löschen, genügt ein Doppeltippen auf die Routen-Info-Einblende. Dies blendet alle Marker der betreffenden Route ein. Am rechten Rand befindet sich ein X für jeden gelisteten Marker. Ein Antippen löscht den jeweiligen Marker aus der Route und die Route wird rekalkuliert.

    Um Routen nicht beim aktuellen Standort starten zu lassen, gibt es derzeit zwei Optionen:

    1. Deaktivieren Sie den GPS Modus vor dem Erstellen der Route, um die Einbindung des aktuellen Standortes zu vermeiden.
    2. Um weiterhin im GPS Modus zu bleiben, aber dennoch die Einbindung des aktuellen Standorts zu vermeiden, können “Routen-Marker” benutzt werden anstelle von normalen Markern oder Ortsmerkmalen/POIs.

    ANMERKUNG: Mit unserer kommenden Version 1.3 werden wir ein Redesign der Routenplanung vornehmen, welches die Routengestaltung intuitiver und übersichtlicher gestalten soll.

    in reply to: Im Umkreis #4368
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    Das Anzeigen von sämtlichen Umkreis-Suchergebnissen/ – Kategorien ist eine sehr hilfreiche Funktion, die bereits auf unserer Liste, der zukünftig zu implementierenden Funktionen, steht. Einen genauen Zeitrahmen gibt es hierfür momentan jedoch noch nicht.

    Als Alternative/Aushilfe kann momentan die Sortierfunktion nach Entfernung der Suchergebnisse von der aktuellen Kartenansicht sein. Zum Beispiel kann man nach dem Begriff “Bank” in der Umkreis-Suche suchen und die Ergebnisse dann “nach Entfernung” sortieren. Somit hat man eine Liste der umliegenden/ nächstgelegenen Banken im Umfeld. Diese lassen sich derzeit leider nicht zusammen auf der Karte anzeigen, aber eine Orientierungshilfe ist so gegeben.

    in reply to: Create multipe routes #4367
    • Topics: 32
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    Hi Mike,

    You can create multiple routes, and access them via the My Routes list on the Favorites screen.  Tap the Star icon on the Route Info Panel to add your route to the My Routes lists for later use.  To remove the current route from the map view, tap the X button in the top right of the Route Info Panel, and you may then start another route.

    To remove a point from your route, tap the X button next to the item’s name.  If you do not see the list of route points, then double tap on the Route Info Panel first to show the route’s destinations list.

    You can also just press and drag to reposition a misplaced route point.  Note that the current version of PocketEarth is limited to 10 route points per route.

    We are doing major work on the routing system for our next update v1.3, please see this forum post for more information.

    You may also be interested to know that our routing service provider, Cloudmade, does support routing over ferries, provided that the correct routing annotations are available in the OpenStreetMap project. The great thing about the OSM project is that anyone can make corrections and additions to the maps through their website.
    in reply to: Geocaching??? #4365
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    At the moment, we have no plans for this.  If more users request this, it is something we can consider.

    in reply to: Insert Route Points #4364
    • Topics: 32
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    Hi Anthony,

    Your points about routing are well taken. In v1.3 we are separating the idea of trip destinations and control points. Each trip destination creates a “sub route” with its own driving instructions. Control points on the other hand will be used only for controlling which streets the route takes, and will be created by dragging and dropping from anywhere along the route line.

    Route points can already be removed, albeit clumsily through the X button on its corresponding “segment” panel (double tap on the route info panel to show/hide the segments panels). v1.3 will introduce a much better UI model for this that won’t have any limitations on the number of destinations you can add, and will offer a fixed height route panel with a destinations/segments selector.

    Creating a route from an existing Pin is possible, just select the Pin, and in its Info Panel, tap the route button.  This uses the pin in a route, but the Pin will also continue to exist independently of the route.  Would you like to see PocketEarth do something more here?  Creating a Pin from an existing Route Point is currently not possible nor planned. Is this something you would like to see?

    Thanks for the good feedback, look forward to hearing more!
    in reply to: Sync saved data across devices #4362
    • Topics: 32
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    The synchronization between devices is already on our road-map for one of our next major versions. This will allow you to sync all your favorites (dests/pins/POIs/routes) between your Apple devices via iCloud.

    in reply to: City names not appearing, asian fonts/labels missing #4361
    • Topics: 32
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    Thanks for pointing out this issue with Russian city names, it has been corrected. The fix will be available later today via an in-app update (Settings > Data Cache > Check for Updates).

    PocketEarth currently doesn’t support some asian fonts, but we are working to add this in a coming app update.
    in reply to: Absturz der App bei Aufruf einer Route #4360
    • Topics: 32
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    Hi Josh,
    Vielen Dank für die Fehlermeldung. Das beschriebene Problem hat wahrscheinlich eine zu große Anzahl an Markern als Ursache.
    Generell ist es möglich eine Route mit bis zu 10 Zwischen-Markern zu erstellen, die sich durch anhaltendes Drücken&Ziehen repositionieren lassen, um die gewünschte Route zu erhalten.
    Es handelt sich hier um einen Fehler im Programmcode, der das Setzen von mehr als 10 Routenmarkern überhaupt zulässt. Zukünftig möchten wir auch gerne die Möglichkeit von mehr als 10 Markern unterstützen und zudem auch jeden Richtungswechsel flexibel in der Positionierung machen. Wir versuchen diese Funktionen in eine unserer kommenden Aktualisierungen zu implementieren.

    in reply to: Map Deletion for Individual Places #4359
    • Topics: 32
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    Hi Eddie,
    Map downloads for whole countries / regions are already possible. For more information see the post “How to download a whole country“.

    in reply to: rendering bugs near equator and international dateline #4358
    • Topics: 32
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    Thanks for pointing out this issue, it has been corrected. The fix will be available later today via an in-app update (Settings > Data Cache > Check for Updates).

    in reply to: Please add Hong Kong, SAR, China as a destination! #4357
    • Topics: 32
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    We are happy to tell you that we could fix the download for Hong Kong. To update your map data please go to Settings > Data Cache > Check Now. Afterwards you can search for Hong Kong in the destination search / list and download Hong Kong for the offline usage.

    Thank you for your patience.

    in reply to: The Caspian sea is invisible #4356
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    Hi Eddie,
    Thank you for reporting this issue. We will have a look into this and we will try to fix it in one of our next versions.

    in reply to: How often is the map updated? #4355
    • Topics: 32
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    Hi Ervano,
    Normally we try to provide timely data updates (using the weekly data exports from OSM). At the moment, however, OSM is undergoing a major license change and has been slow to publish the data exports. A new maps update will be available soon, and we will resume our usual data updates as soon as they complete this change.

    To be always up-to-date with PocketEarth map data you can set an automatic update period (Settings > Data Cache >Automatic Updates).

    in reply to: Import von Orten/Wegpunkten #4353
    • Topics: 32
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    Hallo Peter,
    Beide von dir genannte Funktionen sind wünschenswerte Funktionen. Der Import von Daten im GPX-Format ist bereits für eine der nächsten Versionen von PocketEarth geplant. Genauso wie eine Synchronisation zwischen verschiedenen Apple Geräten.
    Routenplanung im Offline-Modus ist für PocketEarth derzeit nicht geplant. Momentan benutzen wir den Routenplanungs-Service von CloudMade und daher ist eine Internetverbindung zur Erstellung der Route unabdingbar. Die Speicherung der Daten macht die Routen für den Offline Gebrauch zugänglich.

    in reply to: Please add Hong Kong, SAR, China as a destination! #4352
    • Topics: 32
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    Thank you for reporting this issue to us. Unfortunately Hong Kong is currently not available for a download.

    We will try to fix this as soon as possible (~1 week). We will let you know once we fix the download for Hong Kong. Then you just need to update the map data of PocketEarth to be able to download Hong Kong.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience.

    in reply to: Insert Route Points #4349
    • Topics: 32
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    Currently it is not possible in PocketEarth to reorder or insert route points in the middle of a route, but this will be added soon. We are doing a significant redesign of the Routing part of our app for v1.3 which will bring this and other improved functionality.

    As you know, the routing instructions and road choices come from CloudMade, and are based on OSM data. It is often due to a lack of detailed routing data in OSM that results in poor directions, but in some cases, it could be issues with CloudMade’s service. We, also, would love to see OSM become a truly viable alternative for navigation purposes.

    It will take a good while because it is a huge undertaking, but it is on our roadmap to create our own routing engine to enable PocketEarth to do routing functions completely offline. In doing this we also hope to provide better directions than is currently possible.
    in reply to: Visualize the extend of cities, regions and countries #4348
    • Topics: 32
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    Sounds like a good idea, we will work on adding this!  For now, I can tell you that we try to download more data than less data, to be sure you have everything you need for a place. We are able to do this because our data is already less than half the size of most other offline map apps.  Cities usually include extra area around the city to cover suburbs, etc. Region and country downloads are more straight forward because you can see the region and country border lines on the map and know that everything within those borders will be downloaded.  Also if you download a place, for example the USA, it will include discontinuous regions such as Alaska and Hawaii, usually even minor outlying islands.

    in reply to: Crash while setting destination #4347
    • Topics: 32
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    Thanks for the feedback! We will look into this issue and try to correct it as soon as possible.

    in reply to: Maps available in France #4346
    • Topics: 32
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    Hi Arturo,

    Both Saint-Rémy-de-Provence and Marseille are available for download.

    PocketEarth allows you to download as many countries, regions, or towns as you like.  Our database includes every place with population over 1000, but even smaller villages may be found on the map, and the region they are in can be downloaded to ensure you have it offline.

    Our map data comes from the great community driven open mapping project known as OpenStreetMap, so the best way to evaluate the quality of the data in your area of interest is to check the map on their site: http://www.openstreetmap.org/

Viewing 20 posts - 461 through 480 (of 482 total)

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