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  • in reply to: Possible (minor) POI issue #5618
    • Topics: 22
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    Sweet. Not a big issue obviously but I figured I’d report it anyway.

    • Topics: 22
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    Very nice, managed to get this working. Thanks.

    • Topics: 22
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    Nice update, I use this feature all the time when Geocaching. I have the app open pins in Pocket Earth for offline navigating so it’s indispensable. BTW, is it possible to specify the pin attributes such as size, style or color in the URL parameters?

    in reply to: “Failed to download route from server” #5570
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 118

    Just tried it again now and routing seems to be working again.

    in reply to: “Failed to download route from server” #5569
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    Noticed this as well. Problems with the Cloudmade routing server perhaps?

    in reply to: maps not downloaded #5495
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    Try starring a country, let it download and then put your iPad in “Airplane” mode and try zooming in on a map/select various sub-regions and cities. I just tried it with one of the provinces here in Canada and although it’s indicating the cities are “un-starred”, I’m able to zoom in just fine even while offline.

    in reply to: Crashes during distance measurement #5461
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    Just tried this on iOS 5 and yea it does crash. Took a look at the logs and it seems similar to the crash reported by @jsgblom with regards to the new route/street address search. Anyway, I replicated it in the beta as well so you should be receiving the logs.

    in reply to: Importing a route into Pocket Earth from another app #5351
    • Topics: 22
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    Correct, it was the URLESCAPE syntax that was missing in the Geosphere “bookmark”; a forum member there pointed it out. Like Reck mentioned, it’s working fine now so no need to implement any changes on your side.

    in reply to: Screen rotation lock #5349
    • Topics: 22
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    Well after all this time, I learned that iOS 5 has such a feature built in and it’s super easy to access; double-click the home button, swipe left-right once to reveal the iPod controls and there’s a rotation lock icon staring you right in the face. You even get a nice little icon in the top status bar as a reminder it’s active.

    in reply to: Pocket Earth unable to update from OSM for a couple months #5091
    • Topics: 22
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    Any idea on the status of this? I’m an OSM contributor and some of the edits I made over a month and a half ago are still not reflected in PE.

    in reply to: App ends when I try to make a route to a favorite in IOS 7 #4780
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    Updated and it appears to be fixed. Great work. Love developers like you guys.

    in reply to: Help ipod touch: where is the Play button? #4776
    • Topics: 22
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    I’m also experiencing the issue with the record button not appearing consistently. I’m using an iPod Touch 4G with a Magellan Toughcase (SiRFstarIII). I’ve tried the suggestions and it’s still hit or miss. Sometimes, minimizing and then maximizing the app will get the button to appear but it’s pretty rare. Strange since I also use two other apps, MotionX-GPS and Maps 3D, and they both record tracks consistently. Hopefully you guys can look into this.

    in reply to: App ends when I try to make a route to a favorite in IOS 7 #4796
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    Same issue here. iOS 5.1.1 on ipod Touch 4 and iphone 4s

    in reply to: Ver 1.5 Bugs #4716
    • Topics: 22
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    Thanks Geo, just downloaded it and hope to give it a try tomorrow. Also, thanks for keeping me updated, you guys are great. I may have the occasional “crash” but Pocket Earth is still hands down the best offline mapping app I’ve tried.

    in reply to: Ver 1.5 Bugs #4689
    • Topics: 22
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    Thanks for the update GeoMagik, looking forward to the new version. Leaving on a trip to Alaska early next week so I hope I can give the new version a workout. I’ve been able to minimize my memory related crashes in v1.5 by simply staying out of the menus and navigating a bit slower allowing time for RAM to be released.

    in reply to: Version 1.5 Crashing #4633
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 118

    Hey Again Geo. I’ve been doing quite a bit of Google’ing the past few
    days and it appears that having Springboard listed as the largest App at
    the time of the crash isn’t out of the ordinary. I found a really great
    developer blog at:


    One particular quote of interest:

    “Usually, the largest process and the frontmost app are the same, and
    are also the process that has caused the low memory crash. But you may
    see some instances where the largest process and the frontmost app are
    not the same. For example, if the largest process is SpringBoard,
    ignore it, because SpringBoard is the process that shows the apps on
    the home screen, the popups that appear when you double tap the home
    button, etc. and is always active.

    When low memory situations happen, iOS sends a low memory warning to
    the active application and terminates background processes. If the
    frontmost app still continues to grow in memory, iOS jettisons it.”

    Here’s another crash log of mine and this time Pocket Earth was the largest process:

    Incident Identifier: 13E593E3-8C42-4AB4-A596-1601929B3E09
    CrashReporter Key:   6f09cde708f656233c5afa13b4517927ff0699ba
    Hardware Model:      iPod4,1
    OS Version:          iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
    Kernel Version:      Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sun Apr  8 21:51:26 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1878.11.10~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8930X
    Date:                2013-05-09 14:20:24 -0300
    Time since snapshot: 73 ms

    Free pages:        439
    Active pages:      1665
    Inactive pages:    923
    Throttled pages:   48480
    Purgeable pages:   0
    Wired pages:       11992
    Largest process:   PocketEarth

             Name                 UUID                    Count resident pages
         PocketEarth < 08b108a0650f3c12869a2056aa50a168>   13958 (jettisoned) (active)
         SpringBoard < c74dc89dec1c3392b3f7ac891869644a>    8186 (active)
             notifyd < f6a9aa19d33c3962aad3a77571017958>     168
            BTServer < 31e82dfa7ccd364fb8fcc650f6194790>     208
    CommCenterClassi < 041d4491826e3c6b911943eddf6aaac9>     293
          aggregated < a12fa71e6997362c83e0c23d8b4eb5b7>     313
                apsd < e7a29f2034083510b5439c0fb5de7ef1>     240
             configd < ee72b01d85c33a24b3548fa40fbe519c>     281
         dataaccessd < 473ff40f3bfd3f71b5e3b4335b2011ee>    1022
       fairplayd.N81 < 32fbd294ec02341e8c89570445ba4b67>     143
           fseventsd < 914b28fa8f8a362fabcc47294380c81c>     184
                iapd < 0a747292a113307abb17216274976be5>     336
             imagent < 9c3a4f75d1303349a53fc6555ea25cd7>     314
           locationd < cf31b0cddd2d3791a2bfcd6033c99045>     518
       mDNSResponder < 86ccd4633a6c3c7caf44f51ce4aca96d>    7354
        mediaremoted < 327f00bfc10b3820b4a74b9666b0c758>     204
        mediaserverd < f03b746f09293fd39a6079c135e7ed00>     567
           lockdownd < b06de06b9f6939d3afc607b968841ab9>     214
              powerd < 133b7397f5603cf8bef209d4172d6c39>     126
               wifid < 3001cd0a61fe357d95f170247e5458f5>     285
      UserEventAgent < dc32e6824fd33bf189b266102751314f>     328
             launchd < 5fec01c378a030a8bd23062689abb07f>     128


    Here’s another example of an App that crashed but listed SpringBoard as the largest process:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11851271/ios-app-being-killed-jettisoned-by-mediaserverd-memory-issue-leak-while-str

    In regards to the Jailbreak, I don’t think it’s related as I booted
    into safe mode which essentially disables everything and Pocket Earth
    was still “jettisoned”. I also tried turning off “Proximity Caching” as
    you suggested and there was no change. The more I play around with it,
    I’m inclined to believe it has something to do with going into and out
    of the menus or using the UI buttons alone the bottom. If I just browse
    around and zoom in and out on the map, it takes much longer to crash; but opening up the menu, it seems to grab a chunk of RAM and rarely does it give it back upon exiting.

    in reply to: Version 1.5 Crashing #4625
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 118

    Thanks for replying Geo. My device is an iPod Touch 4g – 32GB model running iOS – 5.1.1 (jailbroken). The app I’m using to display RAM stats is SBSettings which correctly displays “free” and “inactive” memory.

    I’ve included a video I recorded to demonstrate the behavior. The iPod was restarted prior to the recording so it was a fresh restart. In regards to the “jailbreak”, the only tweaks I have on are SBSettings which was installed to monitor RAM. I don’t use any other tweaks such as Winterboard and in fact, no custom themes, no interface tweaks; my icons are all stock and even my wallpaper is the stock bubbles one. The only reason for my jailbreak is to gain access to two legit apps: ProTube and StyleTap (PalmOS emulator). Anyway, just to rule out the possibility that the jailbreak could somehow be interfering, I rebooted the device in “safe mode” which essentially runs the device as if it were stock; the app crashed just the same (although obviously I wasn’t able to track the RAM usage that time).

    Anyway, here’s the video (location is Vancouver, Canada):


    Here’s the crash log shown in the video. As you can see, there’s next to nothing running:

    Incident Identifier: 0E308793-4D1D-4617-84C3-D6C20F66B2E4
    CrashReporter Key: 6f09cde708f656233c5afa13b4517927ff0699ba
    Hardware Model: iPod4,1
    OS Version: iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
    Kernel Version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sun Apr 8 21:51:26 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1878.11.10~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8930X
    Date: 2013-05-08 18:24:59 -0300
    Time since snapshot: 89 ms

    Free pages: 695
    Active pages: 940
    Inactive pages: 1416
    Throttled pages: 48317
    Purgeable pages: 0
    Wired pages: 12270
    Largest process: SpringBoard

    Name UUID Count resident pages
    PocketEarth < 08b108a0650f3c12869a2056aa50a168> 10163 (jettisoned) (active)
    notifyd < f6a9aa19d33c3962aad3a77571017958> 170
    BTServer < 31e82dfa7ccd364fb8fcc650f6194790> 225
    CommCenterClassi < 041d4491826e3c6b911943eddf6aaac9> 287
    SpringBoard < c74dc89dec1c3392b3f7ac891869644a> 11330 (active)
    aggregated < a12fa71e6997362c83e0c23d8b4eb5b7> 304
    apsd < e7a29f2034083510b5439c0fb5de7ef1> 217
    configd < ee72b01d85c33a24b3548fa40fbe519c> 286
    dataaccessd < 473ff40f3bfd3f71b5e3b4335b2011ee> 1132
    fairplayd.N81 < 32fbd294ec02341e8c89570445ba4b67> 144
    fseventsd < 914b28fa8f8a362fabcc47294380c81c> 143
    iapd < 0a747292a113307abb17216274976be5> 346
    imagent < 9c3a4f75d1303349a53fc6555ea25cd7> 319
    locationd < cf31b0cddd2d3791a2bfcd6033c99045> 419
    mDNSResponder < 86ccd4633a6c3c7caf44f51ce4aca96d> 7351
    mediaremoted < 327f00bfc10b3820b4a74b9666b0c758> 203
    mediaserverd < f03b746f09293fd39a6079c135e7ed00> 509
    lockdownd < b06de06b9f6939d3afc607b968841ab9> 201
    powerd <133b7397f5603cf8bef209d4172d6c39> 130
    wifid < 3001cd0a61fe357d95f170247e5458f5> 247
    sbsettingsd < e9a2c6b3c8a722b2bae7541bb247b81d> 219
    UserEventAgent < dc32e6824fd33bf189b266102751314f> 332
    launchd < 5fec01c378a030a8bd23062689abb07f> 122


    It’s all very odd since I don’t think I’ve experienced an app crash in months; even Facebook doesn’t crash for me and it’s notorious for that. I’ve also had NavFree Canada and Topo Maps installed for quite some time and neither of those exhibit any erroneous behavior either.

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