Forum Replies Created
The only reason you are seeing the message now is because of a bug where it is trying to get the route *before* it actually knows your current location and instead is using the location 0,0 in the middle of the ocean (which is kind of far from any roads) 😉 This will be fixed in Beta 3.
In general though, there should never be a need to Recalculate. Any meaningful change made to a route automatically triggers it to recalculate. And if it cannot recalculate because you are offline, it will do so when you go back online.
Data in Pocket Earth is always tied to a specific version. Updates update all data to the latest version, and may or may not include maps, travel guides, and other information such as nearby category definitions. The update alert does say what general type of updates are available and how big each type is. If Maps have been updated it will say so and it will be a planet wide maps update for any places you have green starred.
The best I can suggest for the moment is to only keep cached offline the maps you need for the moment and delete the rest so you aren’t forced to upgrade maps you don’t need anymore.Thanks we are looking into this! The data may have been corrupted during download but not detected until viewing it or it may be a bug with the new map data deletion feature we added in 2.0.
We are currently using the April 9th OSM snapshot. Maps will be updated again in the next week or two along with another bug/crash fix update to the app (PE 2.0.2).
Are you still seeing these issues? Does it only happen when GPS is on?
Currently there are 3 options that may help:1. Use the search in All Map to find any town with population greater than 1000.2. For smaller towns, try using the Nearby Search after zooming into the middle of the country and setting the Nearby Search Radius to 128km (may not work for very big countries obviously).3. Use the Online Address Search, leaving the street field blank.One of the improvements we intend to make in the next several months is to internationalize the All Maps data which will include having it show Nearby > Areas data for smaller towns in any country/region that has been downloaded.Currently, you would need to download the maps on each device individually. Favorites such as pins and routes can be manually synced by using one of the Settings > Export > Pocket Earth Archive options and then Importing it on your other devices.
We are classifying View Points under Siteseeing actually. All POI are color coded to their main category. However, the Hiking and Cycling layer are special activity related map layers and add any extra information related to them. It means that the Hiking layer causes Pocket Earth to draw hiking trails, view points, etc from a lower zoom level than they normally would. At the moment we don’t have a technical way to have the Siteseeing layer override this and hide them when its disabled (and Hiking layer on). I am not even sure what most users would prefer for this case, but it seems useful to us to allow user to turn off Siteseeing and all the tourist stuff in it, while still having view points showing along hiking trails..
The latest beta now remembers last transport mode, but I agree it should just ask..
Should be solved in v2.02b2.
This should be partially solved already in v2.02b2 and the rest will be solved in v2.02b3. Maybe you can retest once I push Beta 3 (tomorrow probably)?
I see what you mean, thanks for the report!
The updated Help Manual can be found on our new website here:
Most browsers will let you “print” this page to a PDF file. If you have trouble I can post PDF versions.If you notice anything in the Help Manual that seems to still be out of date, let me know!You can also use the “Open In..” functionality of any other app that supports it. For example, you can tap on a GPX attachment in the Mail app and chose to Open In.. Pocket Earth. Also from the Dropbox app and many others.
This is Apple’s standard way to send files between apps. Pocket Earth fully supports this. Other apps may not in which case you can try to request that they add the “Open In…” feature to send files to other apps.Looks like it may be an issue with the Wikipedia data. Some users have reported disabling Wikipedia from the Settings > Manage Data screen solved it (minus having wikipedia of course). If you try this, let me know the results. We are looking into it, but still having trouble reproducing the issue actually.
Good suggestion! We will add this for the next update.
Yes it is. As with previous versions, for towns with a population over 1000, you can use the All Maps search in the menu. To find smaller towns, you can use the Nearby Search > Areas assuming you have downloaded the maps for the region or country.
Note: there was an issue with Nearby Search > Areas always being empty. This was corrected last week and you can do an in-app data update to get the small fix. Just go to Settings > Manage Data > Check for Updates.This issue was resolved about a week ago. Please do an in-app data update to get the corrected Nearby Category definitions which includes fixes for Areas and for some of the Public Transport definitions.
Yea that would be useful. We will consider it for inclusion in 2.1.